Having a good user experience is one of the surest ways to retain customers. A user interface can be easy-to-use, functional, and intuitive, but it’s useless if your SEO hosting service provider comes up short. SEO hosting is worth it if you want to optimize your site to increase leads and sales. Once you’re ready for the next steps, there are a variety of things to keep in mind.

Responsive Design

Your website should be responsive to attract more traffic and keep users there. If your site isn’t responsive, customers may end up looking for services or similar information elsewhere. The website design should also be platform-independent, meaning it should be accessible from any device that has access to the internet.

A responsive design also makes it easier for SEO specialists to execute their duties because they only have one URL to promote per page.


HTTPS is a method of sending data between a browser and a website. HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP–one of the primary concerns when browsing the internet is ensuring your data is secure while in transit.

Google insists that websites implement HTTPS, so websites that don’t are ranked lower by Google. Sites that aren’t HTTPS compliant are labeled by Google as not secure.

Page Speed 

Page seed is also known as load speed. Fast load speeds have been shown to increase conversions, meaning that if your site is slow, you’re missing out on sales. More importantly, page speed is one of the ranking factors for SEO, especially when it comes to the first pages that appear on Google. Some of the ways to increase page speed include:

  • Optimizing your images
  • Browser caching
  • Using a content delivery network

Limit JavaScript

One of the most important factors in SEO optimization is making it as easy as possible for websites to crawl and index content. Heavily relying on JavaScript in building websites does the opposite, resulting in slower crawling and indexing.


Data is one of the most important resources when hosting for SEO. Consider using structured data, which makes it easy to specify how information is presented.

Pay Attention to Heading Hierarchy

Subheadings are used to provide clarity, so it’s important to use them appropriately. “Heading One” should be used to specify the topic and only used once per page.


Robots.txt is used to tell crawlers how they can access a website and to what extent; you can also use Robots.txt to make it easier to access the content. Here are a few things you need to be aware of:

  • Search engines differ in how they interpret Robots.txt.
  • Rendering files should always be allowed to ensure SEO performance isn’t compromised.
  • Regularly monitor Robots.txt files because they can make the whole website inaccessible.

URL Structure

Ideally, URLs should be written in lowercase letters and be simple and readable. It’s also recommended to not use URLs that have extensions, such as .html because it supports platform independence.

Media Optimization

One of the ways to optimize a website is by using keywords. Media, particularly images and videos, provide more opportunities to use keywords. Compressing images to improve load speed also helps with SEO optimization. These are just a few of the SEO hosting requirements you need to be aware of. To ensure you have a robust website that doesn’t crash even when it receives simultaneous requests, it would be best to work with an SEO hosting organization with a proven portfolio or consider multiple location SEO hosting.