
Posts by Author: Dejan Murko

Causes For PBN Blogs Deindexation (backed by data)

  Published: 2015/07/23

 Last updated: 2023/02/27

 By: Dejan Murko

Causes For PBN Blogs Deindexation (backed by data) featured image

One of the benefits of having a unified platform like EBN is that we can do analysis on a large number of PBN blogs. Because some users reported having more than just a few blogs deindexed in a sweep (later to be known as Panda 4.2), we did an analysis of all deindexed blogs and..

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Busting Myths About PBN Footprints

  Published: 2015/03/10

 Last updated: 2023/08/27

 By: Dejan Murko

Busting Myths About PBN Footprints featured image

There are a lot of myths going around PBNs and footprints. Some give Google god-like powers (knowing your name when registering a hosting account), others assume it lacks basic common sense. I’ve written this blog post with the help of our expert developers and with SEO experts who bring hands-on experience to the table. First..

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Private Blog Networks Deindexation Aftermath

  Published: 2014/09/29

 Last updated: 2022/06/02

 By: Dejan Murko

In the last 3 years or so, Google started penalizing Private Blog Networks. They’ve hit some known SEO bloggers but from the analysis of a lot of authority figures in SEO, the majority of deindexation comes from an algorithm penalty and is, therefore, a consequence of footprints in people’s networks. Based on people’s feedback we’ve..

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